Website Performance.

Why website designers use contrast for better performance.

If you’ve worked with a proper website designer, you’ll have noticed that they style certain parts of your website to look different. Very different.  Contrastingly different. Contrast in your website design It’s a defining part of UX design, and It’s called the...

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What is a Brand Style Guide?

If you own a small business, you may wonder what a brand style guide is and why it's essential. Simply put, a brand style guide is a document that outlines the guidelines for how your brand should be presented visually and verbally. It includes everything from your...

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What is a “Responsive website”?

Have you ever tried to browse a website on your phone or tablet, only to find that it’s hard to navigate or the layout is all messed up? That’s where responsive web design comes in. A responsive website adjusts its layout and content to fit the screen size of the...

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Ten essentials for today’s small business owners

Small business owners face a unique set of challenges in today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape. To stay competitive and ensure longevity, entrepreneurs must prioritize specific tools and strategies to optimize their operations and achieve their goals. Working...

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New ownership for Webtech.

In August of 2021, we (Melissa and Joey) purchased Webtech outright and, together, have managed the company since the sale. Along with our team, we’ve been busy in the past 12 months reshaping our project workflows and internal processes to create more value through...

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Should I invest in SEO & content or Google Ads and PPC?

You know you need to invest in marketing to stay competitive, but where exactly should that investment go? Google Ads gets a lot of attention and advertising has long-been a staple of marketing your business. And there is much discussion over SEO and writing content...

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How can email marketing help my business grow?

Email marketing is one of the most engaging forms of marketing you can use in small business. When it’s done properly. In today's world, there are tonnes of apps and plugins that can help you with email marketing, all with their own take on what's important - from...

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When to use a secondary domain

This week our team is doing some housekeeping in our domain management account and reviewing secondary domains with some of our clients. We received some really good questions back and wanted to share here so that it can help you make better decisions when it comes to...

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